Academic Experience

Michigan State University

Master’s in Strategic Communications

Below are examples of assignments I completed while earning my degree. For each class I included the description from the MSU website to add context. I received a well rounded education in this program that has prepared me to approach projects with strategy and confidence. This portfolio website is the capstone project to highlight my work.


Communication Brief

Class: Strategic Message Development

Description: The effectiveness of corporate messages can be enhanced by careful, research-informed development. This course provides a model for designing effective marketing communication, along with detailed ideas about topics such as conducting effective stakeholder analysis, setting outcome parameters, designing messages and engaging your audience.

Assignment: We were asked to create a communications brief for any company or organization of our choice. I took this opportunity to develop a plan for my real estate brokerage. Click the link below to review.

Integrated Marketing Communication Analysis

Class: Brand Image & Communication

Description: In this course you will examine the power and value of branding and using consumer-based brand equity to differentiate a product, service or company from its competitors. Related issues include the way brands are created, managed and grown; and extensions under the brand umbrella.

Assignment: In this assignment I compared the communications strategies of two different brands.


Class: Capstone

Description: This course is the Capstone in the Strategic Communication M.A. program. It provides practical experience in the planning and management of strategic communication projects involving the use of new and digital media. Using a service-learning format, it requires the application of managerial, communication and strategic skills to a realistic business project in a virtual team setting.

Assignment: This class was a group simulation in which I joined four other students and completed a series of assignments for a fictitious company. The most intense and impactful assignment of the entire degree program was participating in a live crisis communication situation. While I am not able to share that assignment, below is a copy of my CliftonStrengths assessment. At the onset of the team formation we each submitted our top five strengths and used them to help guide our work together. Click below to learn more about my top five strengths: WOO (winning others over), Maximizer, Strategic, Communication, and Ideation.

Assess Persuasive Messaging

Class: Persuasion Techniques for Working Professionals

Description: This course covers the application of principles of persuasion and compliance, focusing on the primary processes that affect the magnitude and manner in which attitudes and behavior are changed. The course also covers the interplay between audience and communicator characteristics, and message design are examined.

Assignment: In this assignment I was directed to watch a commercial and then analyze the persuasion techniques used.

Write a blog

Class: Catalyst Thinking in the C-Suite

Description: This course will provide organizational leaders with cutting edge research so they can continue to meet the needs of their organizations in a fast-paced global environment. A number of constructs like communication, collaboration, community, conflict, change and other ideas or constructs are central to creating change in organizations and are crucial skills to c-suite executives in organizations.

Assignment: The assignment was to write a blog post for the CEO that would increase empathy among employees. I chose to encourage great listening skills. Click the link below to read.

Effectively Communicating Social Media Analytics to Clients

Class: Media Analytics

Description: This course will cover basic concepts of digital analytics and actual use of live data to generate consumer insights on major aspects of a website or mobile app, such as user profiles, traffic sources, navigation patterns, conversion ratios and path to purchase. It will also cover how to interpret analytics and put it into a strategic plan.

Assignment: In this assignment I was directed to write a research paper of clear relevance to the course.


Volunteer Experience