Volunteer Experience

Volunteering my time and energy to others is a core part of my life’s work. I desire to make things beautiful for everyone and I express that through my work with non-profits. Over the years this experience has allowed me to develop my craft and sharpen my skills. I am now able to combine this with my education to begin serving clients.


Eagle Lake Texas Association

I moved on to Eagle Lake in 2018 and joined the association as a board director. I am an area representative and a member of the communications and activity committee. Basically, I make sure everyone on the lake knows about fun opportunities to get tother with their neighbors. I also assist with managing the Facebook page where I promote the beauty of the lake and our community happenings. In 2021, I became the editor of our print newsletter and redesigned it with a fresh updated look. I also commissioned a graphic designer to create our new logo. During my time with this organization I have contributed to a positive brand refresh, which was much needed after suffering three years of flooding. I love that I get to bring people together and promote our lake.

To view PDF versions of the newsletter click the link below. My first edition was Winter 2021. You can also find access to the association Facebook page to view social media content I have contributed.

The Junior League of Kalamazoo

I joined The Junior League of Kalamazoo shortly after moving to the area. I wanted to help people in my community and make new friends along the way. I never realized how much the League would impact me. My first year I became marketing chair and managed our social media accounts. The second and third year I served as the operations manager which oversees all marketing functions as well as training and meeting management. For the 2022-2023 League year I have been slated as the president elect and I look forward to leading the League as president in 2023-2024. You can click the link below to learn more about this volunteer organization.


Academic Experience


Personal Brands